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Why Makani Cartains ?

Transparent Curtains Pricing

Use our online estimator to get in 1 minute a fair price for your curtains. No more hassle comparing prices across multiple suppliers. Pay the same price weather you pay upfront or in 3 installments

Simplified Experience

We curated a selection of styles and fabrics, and help you select the curtains you need with our online selection tool. Get curtains and blinds for your bedroom, living room or dining room, with option to motorize them.

Fast Delivery

We deliver and install your curtains for free, in 5 days only

Flexible Payments

You can choose to pay your curtains upfront, or in monthly installments (subject to eligibility)

How to choose your curtains?

To choose your curtains, simply pick:


Your style:based on the amount of sunlight you want streaming in, and the mood you want in your room, you can simply pick one of our 4 pre-curated styles (see below)


Your fabrics:sheer, velvet, linen, etc. Keep in mind that the color of your curtain should ideally be in sync with the rest of the furnishings

That’s it

Book a visit, our technician will show you the different styles and fabrics.
Let him know your choices and your curtains will be ready in a maximum of 5 working days.

What are the different curtains styles?

Here Comes The Sun White Sheer

Sheer fabric curtains, allowing sunlight to enter your room and softening it. Ideal to get privacy in a bedroom or living room.

Does not allow to shut out daylight when hung alone.

Here Comes The Sun White Sheer

Blackout curtains, designed to block light completely.

Only allow complete sunlight in when open, or none at all when closed.

Here Comes The Sun White Sheer

Layered sheer and blackout, allowing to take total light control.
Perfectly suited for a living room or a bedroom.

Ideal to dream at night and have privacy during the day

Here Comes The Sun White Sheer

Roller Blinds for your bedroom or living room, designed to block light completely.

Combines elegant Roller Blinds Fabric with blackout material on the back.

What are the different fabrics?


Sheer fabric is made using thin thread, resulting in a semi-transparent and light-softening fabric.


Sheer fabric is made using thin thread, resulting in a semi-transparent and light-softening fabric.


Sheer fabric is made using thin thread, resulting in a semi-transparent and light-softening fabric.